Today during a piano thingie, (not a competition but don't know what to call it), I had a long talk with another mom and the election came up as I was on my soap box of what IS taught to our kids in school. I am reading a book about the Japanese Americans who were put into captivity in suspicion of their nationality after Pearl Harbor. The book is written from the first hand accounts of the people who lived here before and after Pearl Harbor. Ironically one of the victims told how they thoroughly they were taught the Constitution and what was great about the freedom afforded to all men in American no matter what race or religion. And then.....after Pearl Harbor that all changed and it was not brought up in the schools, at least not immediately following the attack on Pearl Harbor.
So the mom and I were truly wondering what is taught now in the schools. We both home educate but two of her kids are in school and she could not really say what is mentioned concerning our government. She feels school is taught to the test nowadays. My own mantra for my kids is to teach them how to think. Ask questions. How do we do this if the test is the most important thing? How do I teach my kids to understand their freedoms. I feel I have done a poor job myself for them and for myself. The best conversations have come from watching the news and reading news articles to them. Discussing history and what has happened in the past. Many generations have failed in practicing the principals laid out by the Constitution. That sin thing bunch will always be by our sinful nature a mixed up. I teach by living and talking with my kids. We do *book* work, but we also do a lot of talking. The parents involvement in explaining all of the book work on the Constitution seems to be the key to educating. I am rambling again, but remembering how much we teach to tests, even home educators, is a wake up call to teach our children to think. Ask them lots of questions to prick their brains to think. Listen to both sides of political issues and ask questions. Ask your friends which you agree with questions to increase understanding.
I suppose the answer to the question, what should we teach them, is to teach them to ask questions and to listen. I already drive them nuts with this, but will continue on the path and perhaps direct their thoughts to knowing a bit more about their government.
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