Monday, December 13, 2010

Hearing God's Word

Hearing the word of God tonight at church was much like looking at the stars and contemplating how the same stars I see here are seen all over the world. The same Word of God I heard tonight is heard and read all over the world. Sadly not everyone hears it like the stars are seen. Tonight I contemplated God's promises and how beautiful it is that the same love God has for me is the same Word and promise our dear friends in Pennsylvania hear. The same Word David heard and spoke to his family. This seems so duh but at times is just so much more profound than other times. God's word and love for us through His word is just truly unspeakably remarkable. I don't usually blog about such things as I am always afraid I will say something wrong so I just think about these things in my head and I suppose talk to myself there. I am not sure it has ever struck me how thankful I am for how God's Word is there for everyone. We get so nuclear in our lives and those who we love who are far away, living their lives, loving and of course sinning against one another just as it happens here in our own homes, have this incredible Word of God and His promises for them too. I do not think I think too far outside my own little world very often. There is a great part of me that hates separation from those who are near and dear to my heart. I will try to sleep this evening, miss not being able to be there with my husband at David's funeral, miss not being able to hold our dear friends in my arms and love them. Sigh. I love them dearly. I love God's Word more dearly this evening as eternity speaks louder than every day life. I pray for David's father who is hurting badly. I so pray that he can somehow manage to hear that same Word of God tomorrow and know his heavenly Father loves him so much more than he could ever have loved his own son David. Lord have Mercy.

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