Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Or single parenting........I am SO done tonight. Sneeze, "I'm hungry", pick up stuff, spill milk, need to go to the bath room, Mommy, mommy, mommy!!!! trip hit their head, spill wheat berries all over back room, clean them up almost......, 'please come and pick up this mess"......................................................................................................no response or reaction..............baby crying, "I'm poopy mommy", "read to me", "i want milk", Mommy, mommy, mommy, "I'm thirsty" (me), "I need to pee or I will have to change my diapers" (me again), phone rings - millionth time today, observe dust bunnies playing every where, screaming, still didn't go pee, Charley calls - his feet are frozen, (he is driving home from Pennsylvania with no heat in the truck), three kids shoving books in my face, spaghetti spit out of child's mouth on laptop, finally getting kids to bed but not quite, headache, need wine, laughter, not have my eyes bug out of my head, where's Jack (24)?, Charleys feet are still freezing, ring, ring......."for the last time I am not interested in the Tribune and I told you that the last three weeks you called and gave my children the impression that you HAD to talk to me." (pathetic whimpering on my part pleading with them to not call me back. Mom calls......"who's Jack?" and "Please post on facebook when they get home", baby screaming in back ground.


Elbows jammed repeatedly in chest fighting infection (still), teeth brushing wars, "good night mommy, I love you. Can I have some water?" "I don't think it is a good idea", irritating whimpering.......mom gives in and runs up and down the stairs again......dog wants out, dog wants in - no one lets him in (don't get a dog ever)......bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.......child walks by door.....bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark..........other small child, "I'm not going to bed", "Yes you are - let's change your diaper. Oh, you are dry, let's use the potty" purposely pees in half taken off diaper complete with looks of effort on face. Smiles sweetly at me while I sing to her and wraps her up with a blankie. Lay her in bed, "'I'm not going to bed" loud crying and wailing. Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark bark,...........

You know the drill...........except the bark, bark, bark.......maybe

smallest four besides Evan in bed........ice cream. Wine cooler, Mr. Bean's Holiday, wait for Charley to come home......Jack 24 season 8 arrived. yay. Drive a little faster Charley. But....be safe.


  1. I cried today over my day. You win the prize. A bottle of wine all to yourself and time alone with Jack and Charley. But only Charley gets to hold your hand.

    We'll miss these days when they're gone, right?



  2. Oh, I don't win the prize. I felt guilty after being so negative to post this. I will miss these days and hate putting away Evan and Ingid's clothes. Sigh. I guess if anyone wonders how we do it, this would be an example of how we barely do it right? Praying for a better day. Thanks Melanie.
