Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mornings and retirement.

Even though the rest of the day looms ahead of me, I do enjoy time with the little people. They jabber their heads off at me and are in their most cheerful state of the day. They love their baby brother Evan and play with him and tell me how much they love him. Sweet!

This morning is gorgeous outside. It is SO green and getting greener. Green gives me energy but of course is distracting too as the kids want to play around with gardening and there is still work to be done. Perhaps by the time Evan is in high school we will throw our hands up and give up on school the first of May. It is just occurring to me that this spring will be different this year! Woo hoo!!!! No baby chicks to fret and worry about. No water to haul. No lights to make sure are on. Sigh. Sweet relief! We did the animal thing and now we REST from that labor!!!! I wonder if this has crossed the kids minds. What will they do with themselves????? Maybe we will EAT the lettuce this year and not just grow it and run out of energy to go down and week the stuff and the rest of the garden. We have retired from animals!!! Happy dance.

Well, that thought should be worth something today. I will always smile quietly at all you enthusiastic farmers out there. I will cheerfully pay you for your labors. :o)

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