Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kids coming and going

Last week was um......interesting. I am very happy for my Scouts who had an awesome week at camp though. Matthew was acting up a storm which fortunately was caught on video tape for the final campfire. Martin spent the campfire as Harry Potter himself. I am wondering if any of that got caught on tape. They belong to the most awesome troop in the area and have several friends who also have joined which makes it all the better.

Now they are home for two days including today, and then take off to Higher Things with their older brother Erik. I am sure they will have a wonderful week there too. I am looking forward to having most of our family back together. I can't lie. Anna does not get back till the middle of August so there is something more to look forward to.

I am returning to my old bike route this week as the hills carve off more marble chub than the flat lands. Maybe someday some chub will leave. Argh.

Ba deep, ba deep, that's all! (for now)

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