Monday, May 30, 2011

Juggling house and family

Yikes. We need to set up more of these 'work' vacations around here. Our house will be 150 years old next year. It was built the same year the Civil War began. That boggles my mind. Keeping up with the upkeep of old homes is not a romantic undertaking. I am definitely feeling my Lake Wobegon roots in the phrase "where the women are strong" aspect. I am sitting down for a few minutes before calling it a night and hopefully not opening my eyes again till the morning. Evan has been getting up at 4:00 a.m. for several mornings and this morning did not go back to bed for an hour and a half. ZZzzzzzz..... His cough and ears have been making him pretty uncomfortable. Poor little thing. His silly mommy should not stay up late reading up on Scandinavian art and tapestry. Why??? am I reading about this after working for days painting, cleaning and decluttering!???

I just got done putting the first coat of paint on the stairs. They are a beautiful staircase with a slight curve at the top. I am catching a new addiction to painting trim and doors. I walk by house details which need a fresh coat or the first coat for that matter, and....I contemplate the next step. Have paint, will tackle.

I have also acquired a buddy in landscaping and gardening to clean up the yard and beautify this place more than it is now. We are planning various future parties out here which I assured her I would attend. ;o) It should be fun. I made some major strides this spring to this end anyway so help will be appreciated and the outdoors therapeutic to us both. I forgot to tell her the history of this place. The first owner and builder was the first weather man/horticulturist in the area. There are still remnants of the variety of trees he planted 150 years ago. Pretty cool. My eyes also spy out the paths which I would like to clear and make pleasant, freshen the variety of trees on the property and build or add more benches for little retreat areas around the yard. Ten acres to play in. hit the hay! Art work will have to wait til another day!

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