Monday, July 11, 2011


So Karin has developed a high disdain of gossip and.....I could write a comedy sketch on some aspects. My current cute little, theory is that gossip has been around a long time (duh) but that the internet has compelled us to make the old phrase "none of your business" defunct or something. Guarding ourselves from not having to chime in and give our opinions about everything is certainly a trick but.....things like facebook (which I do enjoy) and blogs (which I do enjoy) can encourage us to stick our nose in more than perhaps is helpful. We don't have to help everyone *get it* in life. We are separate people and separate families and that is okay. I'm beating a dead horse on this theme but seriously, the freedom to bash and form opinions of what is best for other people, other people's vocation choices and how they manage their lives is simply amazing. If we think we are doing the best managing our own lives and are offended by other people saying what they think we are up to, then it just doesn't seem to translate to respecting other people's lives, vocations, family decision etc.

Examples - what music people listen to and enjoy. NOT my problem.

How someone is managing their children and marriage.....feel free to pray but meddling in other people's business during a party for entertainment(????) or to make ourselves feel better about ourselves is just......sort of not recommended.

Healthy boundaries are just a good thing. Be who you are and be happy for yourself??? Repent???? Yep. If someone else does not handle their life as perfectly as you???? Lol!!!!! Repent of your evaluating skills!!! We all do it. This is one reason I love a good bike ride alone where I can reflect on how things are going etc and continue to work on the boundary job. So....when Karin knows everything, make sure to give me the popularity award. Ha ha....I am laughing! If you can't laugh at yourself.....well.....good luck with that.

This is directed at.....ME! Continued reflecting on Mr. Not Always Very Obvious.


  1. ...but seriously, the freedom to bash and form opinions of what is best for other people, other people's vocation choices and how they manage their lives is simply amazing.

    You clearly state you're directing your words at yourself, but your words are a good reminder for for me too. And the thing is, it's not just a good point, but a command. Not only are we required to explain everything in the kindest way, but we are to cover for our neighbor's weakness!

  2. Here's the thing Sandy. The more I think about this the more it becomes clear how HARD this is to DO! Looking back on my *wisdom* is frankly embarrassing!!!!! Then I am a naughty girl and almost start laughing or....sobbing when I hear all this at the pool or restaurant or whatever. Oh yes, I am so pure aren't I?????? Ack! The *explain everything in the kindest way thing* seems pretty mysterious at times??????? Face palm.
